Hello Giantess Lovers
I literally and figuratively got off the phone with G who as you guessed it has a fetish for Giantess Phone Sex Calls. Now he had spent some time and ended up writing a story for me to go by. Well being the type of phone sex vixen that likes to share, I thought I would post his story not in bits and pieces but in its all grand entirety. So perhaps it will give a few shrinking fetish/ giantess lovers some ideas.
Thanks for the call G. For those looking to explore their giantess fetish as I am sure this story will get your mind running with ideas. Give me a call and ask for Giantess Savannah. (Can be found taking calls in the evenings till the early mornings)
I’ve been going out with my girl friend for about a month. Tonight we went out to dinner and a movie. When we got back to her place she invited me in. We start to kiss I’m 6’ 2” tall and she’s only a bit shorter than me in her red 7” platform boots. After a little bit she takes off her boots and we continue to make out, now without her boots she barely comes up to my shoulders so she’s got to stretch and stand on her tiptoes to continue kissing me. After a minute or two she stops and says this would be a little easier if you weren’t so tall. I tell her that I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do about it. With that said a smile comes to her face and she says that she could temporary shrink me a couple of inches, thinking she’s kidding I say go for it. Bam the next thing I know I’m a couple of inches shorter, startled I ask her how she did that and will I be ok, she laughs and says I told you it’s only temporary. We start to make out again and it gets pretty hot, when all of a sudden she pulls away saying that this still is hurting her back and neck. Then she suggests that it was so much better when we were almost eye to eye, so I ask her why she just doesn’t put her boots back on and she says it’s more comfortable without them. With that she starts to kiss my neck and rubs her body up against mine, finally grabs my hands and puts them on her ass and says it would be so sexy to shrink you down to 5 ‘ 5 “ my size and I’ll show you what we can do. Again I protest saying no that this is working fine for me. At hearing this she pulls away saying maybe it works for you but it‘s pretty hard for me, and with that said she huffs that she thinks we are done and maybe it’s time to call it a night. Stopping I think about for a minute and say what the heck that as long as it doesn’t last to go ahead and shrink me. The next thing I hear is oppps with a laugh she says that’s a little to much, now I’m about 5’ 3” tall so I’m looking up a little at her, but she says it’s no big deal and as a matter of fact she thinks it’s kind of hot.. We start to make out again she rubs and grinds her body all over mine with one hand she grabs my neck pulling me closer rubbing her legs against mine pressing her breasts into my chest and then she whispers in my ear this feel so good could I shrink you 3 more inches and before I can answer I feel myself stretching a little more to reach her. Now after a while I think that maybe it’s time to go back to my original height so I ask her, at hearing this she gets mad and says I didn’t know we were done. I say we don’t have to be, with that said she gets a little madder and puts her boots back on. Now when those boots went back on not only did I have look up at her even more, now because I don’t even reach her shoulders, but it became very clear that she was in control now and I was going to do what I was told, so I ask her what she’s doing. With a little anger in her voice she’s says come over here and you can see how it feels. So I move over to her and try to kiss her, but she doesn’t even bend over a little to help because she’s trying to make her point. Not being able to kiss her I feel like am trying to kiss a giant and realizing that I’m basically level with her tits I begin fondling and kissing her breasts, she says slow down we’re not in that big a hurry. With that we decide that we should sit on the couch so we both would a little closer to the same height. Sitting down on the couch we start to kiss again it become pretty heated with her grinding up against me she kisses my neck and she even starts to nibble on my ear, then all of a sudden I get this weird felling and I notice that my feet are no longer touching the ground, I open my eyes to realize we are no longer close to the same size and she’s bending over to kiss me and she looks so much bigger to me. At seeing this I panic jumping up from the couch my first reaction is to head for the door, but before I can get to the door she heads me off laughing at me (oh what a cute little guy you are) now I figure that I’m about 4’ tall and she towers over me being at least 2 foot taller than me with her boots still on. I try to push my way past her to get to the door but being barely taller than her waist she to big and strong to get past. Toying and playing with me for while she finally pins me up against the wall and she says lets take another foot off the top and the next thing I know is that I’m just 3 foot tall. Now with me not even being half her size she’s able to control me with one hand and with the other hand she pulls her panty’s off. While still holding me with one hand she steps across me so now she’s straddling me, laughing she says do you see anything that you like and why don‘t you put your face up there and get a better look knowing that I‘m no longer tall enough to reach. So playfully her squats a little so it just out of my reach and then as I try to jump she stands straight up. Now she takes my clothes off and beginning rubbing her giant body against me maneuvering me around at her will at first she just rubs her soft silky legs against me, they look like small trees to me since they are taller than I am all by themselves. Next she pins me against the wall by squatting begins rubbing her hard beautiful ass against me starting from my waist and moving all the way up past the top ok my head. Finally getting down on her knee she grabs my head rubs it between her giant tits they seam like the size of large pillows only firmer, they wrap around my entire head, next pulling away a little she pushes her once quarter size nipple against my face, it now covers my entire face. Now laughing again she grabs me with one hand and my dick with her other one and starts giving me a blow job with her giant lips, it feels like she‘s going to suck my whole body into her mouth with one suck. While this is going on I feel myself shrinking again I struggle to get away but it no use. When she finishes she jump up and laughs I figure I’m about 2 foot tall now since I barely come up to the top of her boot now. She looks down at me and say that’s all that little thing is good for and that now it’s your turn to satisfy me. Looking at me she giggles asks how do I think I’m going to do that since you would need a ladder to get your head anywhere near my pussy let alone my tits. So I suggest that she un-shrinks me and I’ll be able to do it. No she says I have a better idea and with that I realize that I’m beginning to shrink yet again I yell what are you doing as my head shrinks past the top of her boots she doesn’t answer as I shrink past her calves and next past her ankles, finally she stops I figure that I’m about 9” tall since I can barely see the her heel of her foot over the heels of her boots. Now scared to death I try to hide on the inside of her heels thinking that she won’t be able to see me as long as I can stay between her massive legs, at this she only laughs harder and says I see you there and she pushes me over with the front of her boots. The next thing she says is your lucky I like you as she rest the platform of her one boot on top of me, it’s way to heavy for me to get out from under it. Next she bends over and says she’s got to get something and so don’t go anywhere, oh wait she says I got a better idea and I watch as she takes her boots off, she bends over and picks me up and puts me in her boot pulling up the zipper, I can only wiggle a little since it‘s pretty tight and I can‘t see anything since the boot bigger than me. When she comes back she says your just about the right size as she picks me up and licks me up one side and down the other putting first my lower body in her mouth then my upper body . When she stops I yell the right size for what surely I can’t satisfy you being this size, she only laughs as she rubs me with some type of lotion. I ask if that’s to make me grow, she say no you haven’t done what I shrunk you for yet. All I can say is what can I possible do for you being this size as I struggle to get away. She giggles a little more and she say you’re the perfect size for a dildo and the next thing she says is stiffen up and I look at her in puzzlement. Now she lowers me toward her pussy with the other hand she spends it open saying this will make it easier. Now my tiny head is at the opening and before I can do anything I feel her pussy pushing against my body, slowly at first in she pushes until I can feel my whole body up to my knees surrounded, with a jerk she starts to pull me out. The first time she pulls me out all the way and bring me up to in front of face she says see this will work just fine. Now for the second time she lowers me to just in front of her pussy, laughing she says I bet you would never thought you would get this close a look, with that being said her other hand come across to spread her pussy again. Now she again slowly insert my body in all the way up to my knees again with a jerk out she pulls me back, but this time instead of pulling me out with another sudden jerk in she pushes me again with a little faster motion this time. Now with each in and out movement it get faster and faster and warmer and warmer. Even with the constant movement I can still hear her giants moans. Finally I hear what sounds like a yell of yessss just before I pass out. When I wake on her couch I look at my hands first then the rest of my body I realize that I’m my normal size and I think how much did I have to drink last night to have such a dream. Now my girl friend walks into the room and she says how you doing there little guy and we have to get together again in a tiny bit to do it again. As I leave I could only wonder if it was a dream or did it really happen.
Amazing story G. Great first job look forward to reading more from you.