Forced Bisexual Phone Sex

You will not believe what happened at work this week. Hmmm to make you guess? Now that would be fun! Having you call me with your wicked guesses on what happened this week. Now this has nothing to do with my phone sex job but my day job.
Okay enough tormenting. I am just laughing to hard to even make you wait. We drew for Secret Santas on Friday. I just love getting gives when you have no idea who is getting them for you or what you may get. Hmmm. Not that I would ever drop hints like that at all. My Wish List.

No your wicked taboo red head would never drop to those means. LOL.

But the laugh falls on who I got. The new guy. That I tormented around Halloween. YES! Him the closet tranny or BOB ~ bend over boyfriend. I know he is just denying his ass, mouth, whatever the pleasure of a cock. When I have looked into his desk at lunch there is lipstick there. I know that he is a closet sissy boy slut. So that falls onto what to get a closet sissy boy slut for my secret santa gift. Cause these gifts get opened at out Christmas party. Do I be nice and buy him a coffee mug? Or do I go with my phone sex operator intuition and get him that fucking huge black dildo that Iknow he wants oh ya and some bright red lipstick? Dilemma! Dilemma! What does one do when faced with the possibility of humiliating a co worker at work. Hmmmm. LOL.
Spankings Savannah*